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Article: Brunch Street Tacos

Brunch Street Tacos

Brunch Street Tacos

Adapted from a recipe by: Patricia Jinich


For the Tacos:

  • 1 pound, ripe Roma tomatoes
  • 1/2 pound, bacon- cubed
  • 2 pounds, beef tenderloin- cut into one inch cubes
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 large, white onion- thiny sliced
  • 1 jalapeno- sliced
  • 2 cloves, garlic- minced
  • tortillas (We used flour tortillas)

For the Kaffir Lime Pickled Onions:

  • 1 large, red onion
  • 1 cup, il Fustino Kaffir Lime Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup, water
  • 1/2 tsp, salt
  • 1 clove, garlic
  • pepper


Prepare the pickled onions a few hours before your meal.

Combine the vinegar, water and salt in a saucepan and bring to a light boil over medium heat. Boil until the salt is completely dissolved.

Chop the red onion into thin slices. Separate the slices as much as possible.

Put the red onion slices into a pint-sized jar and pour the vinegar mixture over the top. Add the garlic clove and pepper.

Cool to room temperature, then cover and keep in the refrigerator.

Let rest for a few hours.

For the tacos: Place full tomatoes in a baking dish and put under the broiler for 6-9 minutes or until charred. Once charred cool slightly and roughly chop.

Heat up a skillet and add bacon pieces, cooking until crispy.

Remove from pan and set aside.

Add beef tenderloin to the pan and season with salt and pepper.

Sear for about 2 minutes per side.

Once seared add the onion and jalapeno to the skillet and let them soften for 2 minutes. Add garlic and tomatoes. Stir and let cook for 5 minutes.

Heat the tortillas. Layer a generous about of the beef to the tortilla and top with pickled onions.
